
Combined Stacks_v3-1 Play

Acacia dealbata
Stem xylem conduits embolising in Acacia dealbata. Comparison of original, difference and processed stacks. Captured using the new hand-lens clamp.
May 4, 2017

eregnans-stem Play

Eucalyptus regnans stem
Captured by Chris @ the Brodribb Lab. This is the sequence before processing. Large sequence (~9MB) - may need to wait for it to load to run smoothly.
April 12, 2017

glob-leaf-1-06-29 Play

Eucalyptus globulus leaf
Captured by Chris @ the Brodribb Lab
April 12, 2017

eucryphia-leaf-2 Play

Eucryphia lucida leaf 2
Captured by Jen Peters from Western Sydney University visiting the Brodribb Lab in Hobart.
April 12, 2017

regnans-leaf-1-2016-06-08 Play

Eucalyptus regnans leaf
Eucalyptus Regnans P50 ~2.5MPa. A selection of images from the full sequence.
March 17, 2017

output_UVB358 Play

Eucryphia lucida leaf 1
Captured by Jen Peters from Western Sydney University visiting the Brodribb Lab in Hobart.
March 17, 2017